Our services take place at our building on Fish Street starting at 10.30am.
The sermons are uploaded shortly after (usually on the following Monday)
onto the CCR Youtube channel.
Our weekly Sunday service is a great way to get to know ChristChurch a little better.
Whoever you are, whether a committed Christian, someone wanting to investigate Christianity, someone seeking answers to questions or just curious, you are very welcome to join us on a Sunday morning.
It has been a joy to meet back in person after so many restrictions over the past years.
We are running our Sunday kid’s groups again, singing together, continuing to hear the Bible read and taught, praying and worshiping, having kid’s talks, and enjoying seeing each other’s smiling faces! Our meetings are informal, contemporary and family-friendly. Babies and children are very welcome - as is the noise they
inevitably bring!
What to expect when you join us...
We start the morning altogether for the first 20 minutes or so and then the children head off to groups run especially for them by committed leaders. We provide enjoyable and safe groups.
During the service a variety of things happen from week to week. We sing, pray, and hear the Bible read; we interview people and hear about our partners around the world; we share news of upcoming and past events and we hear the Bible taught.
We believe that God speaks to us primarily through the Bible and so we want to
spend time listening to what God has to say to us.
After the service we share refreshments together, which gives us a great chance to catch up with each other. The children enjoy the extra time to play indoors or out, provided that the weather is good.
If you have any questions about our Sunday meetings, you can click the button to get in touch.
Our evening services take place once a month, at our building on Fish Street, starting at 5pm.
The next evening services will be on the:
2nd March
6th April
We like to plan monthly lunches, after church on selected Sundays. Keep an eye on our website for these!
Our sermons can be found on our Youtube channel - click the button below to find out more!
This week, our church service is taking place in our building on Fish Street.
The sermon from last week is below if you would like to catch up!