We run a few different groups for children and teenagers in the village!

Starfish is our group for 0-3s (and their parents/guardians).

They sometimes run a special 'Daddy & Me' event too.

Illuminate is our group for Primary school aged children (years Reception to 6). 

Fish Tank is our Youth group for those in y7-13. 
Toast is our Sunday morning group for those in secondary school,
which takes place before the Sunday service.

Use the buttons below to find out more, or meet our youth & children's worker using the video below.

Our duty of Care

At ChristChurch Redbourn we recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for our children, young people and vulnerable adults. This is detailed in our Safeguarding Policy. The Safeguarding Policy can be viewed using the button below.  Should you have any concerns whatsoever about anyone within the congregation please click the button to contact our safeguarding team.